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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography J to L

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Date transcribed2011-05-01
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name pattern established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Kiernander    
First Name(s)  John Zachariah    
Titles  Rev.    
Year of Birth  1711    
Year of Death  1799    
Entry  Danish missionary : born in Sweden, Nov. 21, 1711 : educated at Lindkoping and Upsal : at Halle, 1735-9 : sent out in 1739-40 by the S.P.C.K. as a missionary to Cuddalore : on its capture by Lally in 1758, Kiernander went to Tranquebar, and, after a few months, to Calcutta, also in 1758 : established a Mission there with the consent of the Government : a Mission school opened Dec. 1, 1758 : he built the Mission Church, founded May, 1767, consecrated Dec. 1770 : called Beth Tephilla (the House of Prayer) : about 1786 he signed bonds to raise money required for his son's building speculations, which failed : in 1878 (sic) the Sheriff of Calcutta attached his church : Charles Grant {q.v.) paid 10,000 rupees to release it, when it was transferred to trustees : Kiernander retired, 1788, to Chinsura, and became Chaplain to the Dutch there. He was taken prisoner when the English took Chinsura in 1795, went to Calcutta, and lived there in poverty till he died in 1799, after a continuous residence in India from 1740 : great success attended his labours among the Portuguese and native congregations at Cuddalore and Calcutta.     
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