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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography J to L

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Date transcribed2011-05-01
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name pattern established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Khwaja Abdul Ghani Mia    
First Name(s)  Nawab Sir    
Titles  Nawab Sir    
Year of Birth  ?    
Year of Death  1896    
Entry  He was descended from a family which came, some generations ago, from Kashmir. An ancestor held an appointment at the Mogul Court at Delhi, and on its overthrow moved to Sylhet, embarking on business there : a later ancestor removed to Dacca, and established the family as wealthy zamindars in Eastern Bengal. Nawab Abdul Ghani improved its position and, by his personal energy and character, acquired great influence. During the mutiny, his loyalty to Government, and his firmness in remaining at Dacca helped to save Eastern Bengal : in 1869 he prevented serious disturbances between the Shias and Sunnis : in the Lushai and Naga expeditions, and in famine relief he materially aided Government. His public and private charity was munificent, his donations amounting to lakhs of rupees : he gave Dacca a pure water-supply at great expense : he was highly esteemed by Government and all classes, for his wealth, position and loyalty. He was an Honorary Magistrate : Member of the Bengal Legislative Council (1866), and of the Governor-General's Legislative Council (1867) : C.S.I. (1871) : K.C.S.I. (1886), and was granted the personal title of Nawab in 1875, which was made hereditary on Jan. 1, 1877. He was presented with a medal by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales in Calcutta in 1875 : died at Dacca in 1896 at an advanced age.
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