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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography J to L

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Date transcribed2011-05-01
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name pattern established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Jacquemont    
First Name(s)  Victor    
Year of Birth  1801    
Year of Death  1832    
Entry  A distinguished French botanist : born at Paris, Aug. 8, 1801 : son of a writer on psychological speculations : toured in Hayti and the United States, and, having early evinced a strong attachment to natural history, was, on his return, appointed to a post in the Royal Museum of Natural History at Paris. By Baron Cuvier's influence he was selected for a scientific mission for 7 years to the East, as its travelling naturalist, to investigate the Natural History of India in all its branches, and collect materials for the museum : went to London, 1828 : reached Pondicherry in April, 1829 : then to Calcutta : through Upper India to Simla in 1830 : Ladak : the frontiers of Ladak and Chinese Tartary : Kashmir : down to Poona : saw Ranjit Singh, Shah Shuja, the Begam Samru, travelling for 3 years ; encountered difficulties and privations in his arduous labours, the fruits of which have greatly enriched the science of Natural History : fell ill at Tanna, in Salsette : died at Bombay, Dec. 7, 1832, after a month's agony. His collections were transmitted to Paris, described by Decaisne, and the result published in 6 quarto volumes. His letters, written in India to his family, give a most vivid account of the botany of the N.W. Himalayas and particularly of the social condition of India in those days. His remains were exhumed from the Sonapur cemetery at Bombay on Feb. 26, 1881, and taken to France in the Laclocheterie man-of-war : a wreath on his coffin bore the legend Voici le fleur que Victor Jacquemont a introduisit dans Bombay de la Cachemire, et qui porte son nom Jacquemontia.     
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