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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography G to I

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Date transcribed2011-04-00
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name pattern established by Buckland in his original work.

Surnames  Haug    
First Name(s)  Martin H.    
Year of Birth  1827    
Year of Death  1876    
Entry  Born Jan. 30, 1827, at Ostdorf in Wurtemburg : son of a peasant : early showed an aptitude for languages : studied Oriental languages, at Stuttgart and Tubingen, where he graduated Phil.D. in 1851, and at Gottingen : was admitted "" Privat-docent,"" 1854, at Bonn : studied at Zend under Lassen, for 6 years, under great privations : became temporarily Secretary to Baron Bunsen in Heidelberg. In 1859 he was appointed Professor of Sanskrit at Poona : stayed in India till 1866 : acquired great knowledge of Brahminisim, and of the ancient Zoroastrian religion : collected in Gujarat, 1863-4, ancient MSS. Zend-Pahlavi and Vedic documents, which the State Library at Munich bought after his death : returned to Europe on account of ill-health : appointed Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology at the University of Munich, retaining this post till his death : published Die funf Gathas, 1858, 1860 ; Essays on the Sacred Language, Writings and Religion of the Parsees, 1862-78 ; an edition, with translation, of the Aitareya Brahmana, 1863, and a Zend-Pahlavi glossary, 1868. His Pahlavi - Pazand glossary, brought out in conjunction with a Parsi scholar, 1870, the Book of Arda Viraf, and other lesser works, mark a distinct epoch in the study of Pahlavi : translated part of the Vendidad and published other works on the Zendavesta : besides treatises on Brahma and the Brahmans, and on the nature and value of the Vedic accent in Sanskrit : died at Ragatz, June 3, 1876.     
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