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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography G to I

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Date transcribed2011-04-00
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name pattern established by Buckland in his original work.

Surnames  Hastings    
First Name(s)  Francis Rawdon    
Year of Birth  1754    
Year of Death  1826    
Entry  Governor-General : born Dec. 9, 1754 : eldest son of first Earl of Moira : educated at Harrow and University College, Oxford : entered the Army, 1771, and the 5th foot, 1773 : to America : engaged at Bunker's Hill, 1775 : and in other battles till 1781 : Lt-Colonel, and Adjutant- General in America, 1778 : captured by the French on his voyage to England, 1781: made Baron Rawdon, 1783 : opposed Fox's India Bill, 1783 : took the additional name of Hastings, 1790 : succeeded as Earl of Moira, 1793 : commanded reinforcements in Flanders : Lt-General, 1798 : C. in C. in Scotland : General in 1803 : Master of the Ordnance, 1806 : Constable of the Tower of London : K.G., 1812 : Governor- General of India, and C. in C, Oct. 4, 1813, to Jan. 9, 1823 : war against Nipal, 1814-6 : created Marquis of Hastings for his success : took command in the Pindari war of 1817-8 : made subsidiary treaties against them : deposed the Peshwa, and defeated the Mahrattas : thus making the British power supreme over all India : G.C.B. and G.C.H. : acquired Singapore, and entered into communications with Siam : granted £60,000 by the E. I. Co. : allowed the banking house of W. Palmer & Co., at Hyderabad, to lend 60 lakhs to the Nizam, an act which the Court of Directors disallowed : Hastings resigned in 1821 : but was not relieved until 1823 : Governor and C. in C. of Malta, 1824 : the Court of Proprietors of the E. I. Co. agreed to an amendment adverse to his action in the case of Palmer & Co. : died off Naples, on Nov. 28, 1826 : his statue by Chantrey was erected in Calcutta by the British residents there. He wrote, 1824, a summary of his Indian administration, which is remembered for its length, for his victorious wars, and extension of British territory, as well as for his personal ability, both in his civil and military capacities.     
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