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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography G to I

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Date transcribed2011-04-00
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name pattern established by Buckland in his original work.

Surnames  Gubernatis    
First Name(s)  Angelo De    
Titles  Count    
Year of Birth  1840    
Entry  Born April 7, 1840, at Turin : descended from ancient family of Provence : studied first at Turin : in 1862, sent by the Italian Government to continue his philological studies in Berlin under Weber and Bopp : appointed, 1863, Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Literature at the Institut des Etudes Superieures in Florence : in 1881, King Humbert confirmed to him the title of Count, borne formerly by his ancestors : visited India in 1885 and 1886, and on his return founded an Indian Museum, and an Italian Asiatic Society at Florence : appointed, 1890, to his present position, Professor of Sanskrit and Italian Literature at the University of Rome : has travelled much, and is a prolific and many-sided writer, poet, dramatist, author of many works on Italian literature, and a Sanskritist : has written on the mythology of the Vedas : Le fonti vediche dell' epopea, 1867, etc. : other works are : �Piccola enciclopedia Indiana, 1867 ; Letteratura Indiana, 1883 : Storia dei viaggiatori italiani nelle Indie, 1875 ; II Dio Indra net Rigveda : Primi Venti Inni del Rigveda (translated with notes) : Drammi indiani, in verse : Zoological Mythology, etc. : elected an honorary member of the Royal Asiatic Society, and of its branch in Bombay, besides belonging to other learned Societies : delegate of the Italian Government at International Congresses of Orientalists.     
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