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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography G to I

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Date transcribed2011-04-00
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name pattern established by Buckland in his original work.

Surnames  Gillespie    
First Name(s)  Robert Rollo    
Titles  Sir    
Year of Birth  1766    
Year of Death  1814    
Entry  Of an old Scottish family : born Jan. 21, 1766 : educated at Kensington and near Newmarket : joined the 3rd Irish Horse in 1783 : was acquitted on a verdict of justifiable homicide, after shooting a man in a duel: went to Jamaica, 1792: recovered from yellow fever : to St. Domingo : fired on while swimming with a flag of truce : Adjutant-General at St. Domingo, 1796 : personally killed six out of eight men attacking him : received a sword of honour from the Jamaica House of Assembly : tried by court martial at Colchester, 1804 : honourably acquitted : stationed at Arcot in Madras : from there, 14 miles off, rescued the survivors of the 69th foot from the mutineers at Vellore, July 10, 1806 : commanded the cavalry against Ranjit Singh in 1809 : commandant at Bangalore : commanded the Mysore Division : was Brig-General in 1811 : commanded the advance of Sir S. Auchmuty's expedition to Java : led the attack at Cornells : left in command at Java : deposed the Sultan of Palimbang in Sumatra : defeated Javanese chiefs at Yodhyakarta : Maj-General, 1812 : left Java : commanded at Meerut : and a Division in the Nipal war : killed, leading an attack on Fort Kalanga, near Deyra Doon, Oct. 31, 1814 : but named as K.C.B. on Jan. 1, 1815 : a monument to him by Chantrey in St. Paul's Cathedral. His military actions were all distinguished by his reckless courage : he was also a keen sportsman.     
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