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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography G to I

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Date transcribed2011-04-00
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name pattern established by Buckland in his original work.

Surnames  Garcin De Tassy    
First Name(s)  Joseph Heliodore    
Year of Birth  1794    
Year of Death  1878    
Entry  French Oriental scholar : born Jan. 25, 1794 : studied Oriental languages under Baron Silvestre de Sacy : published a work on Oriental literature, 1822, in which year he was Secretary of the Societe Asiatique, then established : the first Professor of Hindustani at the special school of Oriental languages, 1828 : he wrote a History of Hindi and Hindustani Literature, and Hindustani Authors and their Works, the Rudiments of Hindustani and Hindi, Allegories, Poetic Recitations and Popular Songs of Arabic, Persian, Hindustani and Turkish : edited Sir W. Jones' Persian Grammar in 1845, and translated El- Attar's Language of Birds : wrote a number of annual progress reports on the whole field of Indian literature : on the Muhammadan religion, on Islam d'apres le Coran, 1874: on the Rhetoric and Prosody of the Muslim Nations, and on the religious Poetry of the Persians : in 1854-5 he translated the poet Wali, and The Adveniures of Kamrup : contributed largely to the Journals of the Societe Asiatique : was a member of the Royal Asiatic Society and of the French Institute from 1838 : received the Cross of the Legion of Honour, 1837 : died at Paris, Sep. 3, 1878.     
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