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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography D to F

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Date transcribed2011-03-01
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name pattern established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Elliot    
First Name(s)  Walter    
Titles  Sir    
Year of Birth  1803    
Year of Death  1887    
Entry  I.C.S. : born Jan. 16, 1803 : son of James Elliot : educated privately : at Doncaster and Haileybury : went to Madras in 1820 : specially rewarded for remarkable proficiency in Tamil and Hindustani at 20 : served in the S. Mahratta country, until 1833 : was a keen sportsman and adventurous with big game : in the insurrection of Kittur, 1824, when several officers were killed, he and another officer, Stevenson, were prisoners of the rebels for six weeks : in 1843, made an adventurous journey to Mocha, Red Sea coast of Abyssinia, Egypt and Palestine : Private Secretary to Lord Elphinstone, Governor of Madras, 1837-42 : Member of the Board of Revenue, but was sent in 1845 to inquire into the maladministration of Guntur : appointed Commissioner of the whole of the Northern Sircars till Dec. 1854, when he became a Member of Council, Madras, till Dec. 1859. As Senior Member of Council, he contributed greatly by his steadfast calmness, during the temporary absence of Lord Harris, to the preservation of peace and order in the Presidency : also, in 1858, carried on the Government during Lord Harris' ill-health : took much interest in education and supported Christian missions : acquired much knowledge of archaeology, natural history, numismatics, and Indian history : wrote for scientific Journals on the above subjects : notably on coins and Hindu inscriptions : assisted Darwin and Owen in their researches : his collection of Buddhist marbles from Amravati is in the British Museum : a member of many learned Societies : K.C.S.I. in 1866 : F.R.S., 1877 : LL.D. of Edinburgh, 1878 : became blind, and died March 1, 1887.     
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