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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography D to F

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Date transcribed2011-03-01
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name pattern established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Darmesteter    
First Name(s)  James    
Year of Birth  1849    
Year of Death  1894    
Entry  Born March 28, 1849, in Alsace, of a poor Jewish family : son of Cerf, and brother of Arsene, Darmesteter : delicate, puny, and almost deformed : educated at the Lycee Condorcet, Paris : Doctor in Letters, 1877 : devoted himself to Oriental scholarship and literature : became the greatest authority of his time on Zoroastrian literature : appointed Assistant- Professor of Zend at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes, 1877 : and in 1892, Director : was appointed Professor of Persian at the College de France, 1885, and Secretary of the Societe Asiatique : wrote Etudes Iraniennes, 1883, and on the language and literature of ancient Persia : travelled in India, to study his subjects locally : residing there, Feb. 1886�Feb. 1887, chiefly at Bombay, Peshawar and Hazara : wrote Letters sur ITnde, 1888, The Popular Songs of the Afghans, with an introduction on their language, history and literature, 1890 ; a complete translation, 1892-3, of the Zendavesta, published in the Sacred Books of the East : and Selected Essays, published 1895 : was an Editor of the Revue Critique, and, later, of the Revue de Paris : wrote in them, and in the Journal des Debals, critical notices of books and Oriental essays : wrote on the mythology of the Avesta, 1875 : Ormuzd et Ahriman, 1877: Essais Orientaux, 1883 : also on the History of the Jewish People, in the Nouvelle Revue : and the Prophets of Israel, 1892 : died at Maisons-Lafitte, Oct. 19, 1894.     
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