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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography A to C

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Date transcribed2011-01-01
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name pattern established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Amherst of Arakan    
First Name(s)  William Pitt    
Titles  First Earl    
Year of Birth  1773    
Year of Death  1857    
Entry  Governor-General : born in Jan. 1773 : sent on an embassy to China in 1816 : arrived in Calcutta as Governor-General, Aug. 1, 1823 : it devolved on him to allay the excitement caused by the action of the Government towards the Press and Mr. J. S. Buckingham (q.v.) In Feb., 1824, the Burmese having occupied countries near Bengal and attacked British territory, Amherst declared war and despatched an expedition, which captured Rangoon, Martaban and Prome : peace was made by the treaty of Yandaboo, 1826, by which Assam and Tenasserim were ceded to the British. In Jan., 1826, the capture of Bhartpur by Lord Combermere took place, when the British Government restored the youthful Raja Balwant Singh, whom Government had recognized, to the throne, which had been seized by a cousin, Durjan Sal. Lord Amherst was made an Earl. He was the first Governor- General to spend, in 1827, the summer in Simla : left India March 10, 1828 : died March 13, 1857.     
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