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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography A to C

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Date transcribed2011-01-01
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name pattern established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Aliverdi Khan    
Year of Birth  1676?    
Year of Death  1756    
Entry  Nawab Nazim of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa : son of Mirza Muhammad, a Turkoman employed at Delhi : entered the service of Nawab Shujauddin, governor of Orissa (son-in-law of Nawab Murshid Kali J afar Khan) as a commander of troops : in 1726, Jafar Khan died, Shujauddin succeeded him as Nawab Nazim, and Aliverdi Khan became General of the Imperial troops : in 1729 he was appointed Governor of Bihar by Nawab Shujauddin, and, later, became free from any dependence on the Nizam of Bengal : in 1739 Shujauddin died, and was succeeded by his son, Sarfaraz Khan, Aliverdi continuing to be governor of Bihar : in 1740 Aliverdi quarrelled with the Nawab Sarfaraz, defeated and killed him in battle and seized the Nizamat : he was known in Bengal as Muhabat Jang. From 1741 the Mahrattas invaded Bengal, and their leader, Bhashkar Pandit, was inveigled by Aliverdi to a conference, and treacherously killed : the Mahratta raids spread consternation throughout Bengal, and, after fighting with them up to 1751, Aliverdi made peace by ceding Orissa to them and agreeing to an annual payment of 12 lakhs of rupees. Aliverdi allowed the English to protect themselves in 1742, by digging the Mahratta ditch round the Company's territory to stop the Mahratta raids. In 1753 he adopted his grandson, Surajuddaula, and declared him his successor. On April 9, 1756, Aliverdi died at the age of 80, at Murshidabad.     
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