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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography A to C

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Date transcribed2011-01-01
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name pattern established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Aiyar    
First Name(s)  Sir Sheshadri    
Year of Birth  1845    
Year of Death  1901    
Entry  Son of a Brahman of Palghat in the District of Malabar : educated at the Provincial School at Calicut and the Presidency College in Madras : entered the Government service as translator in the Collector's office at Calicut : transferred in 1868 to Mysore under Ranga Charlu (q.v.). In 13 years he filled various subordinate offices until the rendition of the State to its ruler in 1881 : then he became Personal Assistant to Runga Charlu, whom he succeeded as Diwan in 1883. For 17 years he laboured assiduously to promote the economic and industrial development of the State. He began with a debt of 30 lakhs and left with a surplus of 176 lakhs. In railway, irrigation, and mining works immense progress was made during his administration : his unpopularity was due to his showing preference in his appointments to "" outsiders"" over natives of the State : a high - principled and accomplished statesman : received a handsome bonus of 4 lakhs on his retirement in 1900: made C.S.I, in 1887, K.C.S.I. in 1893 : Fellow of the Madras University : died Sep. 13, 1901.     
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