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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography A to C

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Date transcribed2011-01-01
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name pattern established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Adam    
First Name(s)  John    
Year of Birth  1779    
Year of Death  1825    
Entry  Son of Right Hon. W. Adam : born May 4, 1779, educated at Charterhouse and Edinburgh University : writer in the E. I. Co.'s service, reached Calcutta, .Feb. 1796 : three years at Patna : head assistant in the judicial-revenue Secretariat : in May, 1802, was Head of the ""Governor-General's Office "" : in 1804, Deputy Secretary in the Secret and Political Departments : in 1809, Secretary in the Military Department : in 1812, Secretary in the Secret, Foreign and Political Departments : Private Secretary in 1817 and Political Secretary to the Marquis of Hastings, whom he accompanied during the Mahratta-Pindari war, greatly influencing his policy of establishing the British supremacy : was "" the very able and very conservative Member of the Supreme Council, 1819-25. opposed the liberty of the Press as unsuited to India, and the financial transactions
of Palmer & Co with the Nizam ; acted as Governor General from Lord Hastings' departure in Jan. until Lord Amherst's arrival in Aug., 1823 : adopted a strong and active policy : a Regulation was passed, in April, 1823, to curb the public Press : under it, John Silk Buckingham, who had established the Calcutta Journal and criticised Government, satirically commenting upon an appointment made by Government, was deprived of his licence and deported to England. The Court of Directors approved Adam's policy, and the Privy Council concurred. Adam was the first to grant public money, a lakh of rupees a year, in support of native education : devoted town duties to public works : increased civil judicial establishments : added four regiments to the Bengal Army : was given a renewed term as Member of Council : he died at sea, off Madagascar, June 4, 1825. His picture, by Chinnery, is in the Town Hall, Calcutta, and a tablet to his memory is in St. John's Church there, testifying to his merits.     
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