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Go to record Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce
 Deaths 1844

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Date transcribed2010-11-26
Transcribed byD Edge, J Birtles, A Webb, J Adler, S Parker, A Goodchild, B Rudder, L Fretwell, J Harrison, P Stanes, R Bird, D Moore, M Holmes, D Freer, E Nelson
Comment783 deaths extracted from the domestic occurrences mentioned in the 1844 'Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce' which was the pre-cursor for the Times of India

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Boaden" in "Deaths 1844" Surname  Boaden    
Given name(s)  H F    
View all other items of "Place" with value "At Sea" in "Deaths 1844" Place  At Sea    
Year  1844    
month  Mar    
day  14    
Register Entry  At Sea suddenly on board the Thomas Coutts on the 14th March HF Boaden Esq . A residence in India for 17 years is supposed to have accelerated the decease of this most excellent and honourable man. He had for some time suffered most acutely from disease of the heart which ultimately terminated in Dropsy. His remains were commited to the deep on the following morning with all due solemnity and every possible indication of respect by the passengers ships company and military on board. The deceased who in a few days would have completed his 40th year was youngest son of the late James Boaden Esq well known in the literary and dramatic world. United in the mercantile pursuits in Bombay Mr Boaden for a long period filled the responsible situation of Agent to Her Majestys Navy to the entire satisfaction of the Crown. He has also for a series of years the confidential adviser of Sir Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy whom he regarded as his best friend and patron and to whom he was to have returned in two years time. By this painful afflication a Widow and only Son [aged 9 years] are left to depore the irreparable loss of a most excellent husband and affectionate father    
Year  1844    
Date  13 Jul    
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Birth, marriages and death entries extracted from the domestic occurrences mentioned in the 'Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce' which was the pre-cursor for the Times of India.
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