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Go to record Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce
 Deaths 1849

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Date transcribed2010-09-08
Transcribed byD Edge, J Birtles, M Holmes, R Bird, A Webb, J Adler, D Moore, S Parker, E Nelson, A Goodchild, B Rudder, C Sherwood, M Shepherd, L Fretwell and M Shaw
Comment1015 deaths extracted from the domestic occurrences mentioned in the 1849 'Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce' which was the pre-cursor for the Times of India.

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Hartley" in "Deaths 1849" Surname  Hartley    
Given name(s)  Jeremy    
View all other items of "Place" with value "Bechuana" in "Deaths 1849" Place  Bechuana    
Year  1848    
month  Nov    
day  22    
Register Entry  At Mparane near the residence of the Chief Sikonyella on the Upper Caledon River Bechuana country the Rev Jeremy Hartley Wesleyan Missionary. The recent collision betwixt the people of Moshesh and Sikonyele in the course of which about 18 persons were killed near the Mission station and the prospect of continued war and bloodshed in the immediate vicinity caused the deceased much anxiety and excitement of mind. This together with some long journeys on horseback which he deemed it his duty to take in order ot consult the British authorities at Winburg and at Bloom Fontein appear to have produced brain fever and after a few days illnes he died on the 22nd Nov. The Physician attached to the French Mission kindly attended and rendered such assistance as medical skill could afford. The Rev Mr Giddy was also in attendance during the last days of his brother Missionary. Mr Hartley was son of one of the British settlers of 1820 well known in Albany. He became a decided Christian early in life and about ten years ago went in the capacity of a Catechist to assist in the Weslaeyan Mission in Bechuana country. His piety, zeal and qualifications for usefulness in that land induced the Ministers of the District to recommmend him to be received as a Missionary and after the usual probarion he ws accepted in that capacity by the Conference in England. He was a truly pious conscientious and useful Missionary. His last words spoken a short time before his death were ""I trust alone in jesus."" A widow and family of five small children are left to mourn this painful bereavement. But all immediately concerned whether in Church or family must learn to bow in silent submission to that Divine Being who ""giveth none account of his ways"" but who ""doeth all things well""    
Year  1849    
Date  28 Feb    
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Birth, marriages and death entries extracted from the domestic occurrences mentioned in the 'Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce' which was the pre-cursor for the Times of India.
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