> East India Register
Birth announcements taken from East India Register |
Transcription of Birth Announcements 1809-1844
Date transcribed | 2000-00-00 | Transcribed by | FIBIS Volunteers |
| Birth Date | 3 - Apr | | Birth Year | 1836 | | Baptised Surname | Lloyd | | Sex | Male | | LDS Film Reference | None | | IOR Reference | None | | Source Name | East India Register | | Source Year | 1837 | | Source Edition | 1 | | Source Presidency | Bombay  | | Source Event | Birth | | Entry | The lady of Capt. Lloyd, 2d or Queens Royals, of a son, at Poonah. | | Transcribed by | FIBIS Volunteers |
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These entries, taken over the period 1809 to 1844, are similar to the announcements made in certain quality newspapers of the present day. It should be indicated that very many of these announcements are not matched by entries in the IOR�s N-series Ecclesiastical Records. They therefore represent very important supplementary sources of data.