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Go to record Ecclesiastical Returns Ecclesiastical Returns
 Bengal Baptisms

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Date transcribed2010-02-21
Transcribed byBeverly Hallam
CommentMiscellaneous Bengal baptism details acquired when researching ecclesiastical returns held at the British Library.

Date of Baptism  13 Nov 1875    
View all other items of "Where  Baptised" with value "Multan, Punjab" in "Bengal Baptisms" Where Baptised  Multan, Punjab    
Said to be born  3 Oct 1875    
First name   Clara     
View all other items of "Baptised  Surname" with value "Jopp" in "Bengal Baptisms" Baptised Surname  Jopp    
Sex  F    
Father First Name  Keith Alexander     
Fathers Occupation  Major Royal Engineers    
Mother  Mary Egerton    
Abode  Multan    
View all other items of "Baptism  Official  First  Name" with value "A W" in "Bengal Baptisms" Baptism Official First Name  A W    
Baptism Official Surname  Robinson    
Baptism Official Designation  Chaplain    
LDS Film Ref  0510850    
IOR Ref  N1/155/46    
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Miscellaneous baptisms, marriages and burial details acquired when researching ecclesiastical returns held at the British Library.
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