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Go to record Bengal Military Orphan Society,  Bengal Military Orphan Society,
 Bengal Orphan Upper School, 1820-1857

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Date transcribed2009-00-00
Transcribed byNancy Wright
CommentAlphabetical List of Orphaned Children of Officers of the Bengal Army, 1820-1857. he data include Dates of Birth, Dates od Admission to and Discharge from the Asylum, Name of father, etc.

Data transcribed from IOR/L/AG/23/7/7

Child Surname  Jeremie    
Child Forenames  Pamela    
Date of Birth  23 Nov 1821    
Date of Admission  29 Jul 1831    
Fathers Name  Capt P Jeremie    
When written to about early settlement  1 Feb 1836 & ans    
To whom pension payable  Professor Jeremie, Haileybury    
Date of Discharge  Feb 1837    
Remarks  Returned to India    
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Alphabetical List of Orphans of Officers of the Bengal Army. Contains lists of dates of Birth, Dates of Admission to the Asylum, etc.
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