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 PCC Adminstrations relating to India 1764 - 1810

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Date transcribed2000-00-00
Transcribed bySteve van Dulken

Surname  Williams    
First name  James Coulter    
Place of death  Masulipatam    
Detail  Of Masulipatam, widr., to grant 20 May 1788 to Ann Allanson wid. the cousin german once removed for the use of Thomas Williams the cousin german and only next of kin, �an idiot or lunatic�, revoked by limited admon 14 Aug 1792 to George Reed for benefit of Ann Williams the wid. now residing at Calcutta. states that Thomas Williams continues a lunatic. The will of Elizabeth Coulter of St Andrew Holborn but at the city of Bath, spr., mentions her mother Ann Anderson, and gave to James Williams (now in India) son of William Williams late goldsmith in Foster Lane all long annuities in the Bank of England worth £300 annually. This admon will was proven April 1775� a marriage settlement dated 10 May 1777 between James Coulter Williams, Conductor of Stores EIC at Masulipatam, 1st part, and Ann Willoughby only daughter of John Willoughby of Madras, merchant, 2nd part, and the said John Willoughby, 3rd part� deceased made a will on the 6 Nov 1784 naming his servants Mariano Butts, Edward Mun and Shako Buddo universal legatees, but did not appoint an executor. It was never proved or brought to England� this grant revoked & replaced by limited admon 29 Oct 1805 to William Paxton Esq., one of the partners of house of trade of Wm. Paxton & Co. of London, merchants, attorney of Ann Simpson (wife of William Foumore Simpson) formerly Williams, the relict, who is to have an annuity of £36, Pts    
Source  PCC administration    
Date  29 Oct 1805    
TNA reference  PROB 6/164, 6/168, 6/176    
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