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 PCC Adminstrations relating to India 1764 - 1810

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Date transcribed2000-00-00
Transcribed bySteve van Dulken

Surname  White    
First name  George    
Rank/ occupation  Master mariner & merchant    
Place of death  Calcutta    
Detail  Limited administration dated 28 Nov 1832 was revoked in favour of a PCC will proven 4 Dec 1833 which said that he was a Master Mariner of Calcutta, East Indies. The admon said that he died 4 June last, a merchant, Emma Dyer White was his wid. & Emma Matilda White spr. an infant was his only child, about seven years before White had delivered to Henry Mathews then at Calcutta a will bequeathing to his wife all his property. William Thacker also of Calcutta with Mathews was to be executor� deceased d when he fell overboard from the poop of the ship Sherborne, commander John Burton, of which White was the sole owner, ship then arrived at the Cape of Good Hope. Estate Duty Register adds that the administration was to Henry Mathew of Greenwich, Kent, the other executor was now in India. Limited for the purpose only of selling & disposing of the ship Sherburne (now in the EI Docks) her tackle etc. keeping in safe charge the produce thereof & settling all accounts respecting freight etc. & until the original will & codicil shall be brought in, £8000, Pts    
Source  PCC administration    
Date  28 Nov 1832    
TNA reference  PROB 7/34, PROB 11/1825, IR 26/236    
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