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Date transcribed2009-08-22
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentMIs taken from "Bengal Obituary" Dedicated by Holmes & Co., Calcutta, 1851

Surname  Broughton    
Forename(s)  Edward Wilson    
Rank or Title  Lieutenant    
Regiment  19th Bengal Infantry    
Year of Death  1815    
Inscription  Consecrated to the Memory of Charles Lionel Showers, Esq. Senior Captain of the 19th Regiment Bengal Infantry, who in the assaults of the fortified heights of Malown, on the 15th of April 1815, led one of the principal columns to a serparate attack, in the most gallant style, And gloriously fell at its head just when in personal conflict he had with his own hand slain the chief of the enemy. In the various duties of life, as a man, soldier, and a Christian, the eminent qualities of the amiable and lamented Showers conspicuously shone. Firm in honor, sincere in friendship, ardent in his professional duties, and humble and fervent in those of a higher nature: The prominent featrures of his character were benevolence, zeal and piety, and his deserved portion, was the love, the esteem, and the respect of all who knew him. To record their deep sense of his worth, and their heartfelt concern for his loss; the officers of the 19th Regiment have caused this monument too be erected in affectionate remembrance of their valued and regretted comrade. Aetat 35. On the same occasion, in the gallant execution of his duty, Fell Lieutenant Humphrey Bagot, of the same Regt. Aetat 25. And in the same campaign, equally honorable, Fell Lieut. Edward Wilson Broughton, of the same Regiment, Aetat 26.    
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