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Date transcribed2009-08-22
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentMIs taken from "Bengal Obituary" Dedicated by Holmes & Co., Calcutta, 1851

Surname  Stirling    
Forename(s)  Andrew    
Year of Death  1830    
Inscription  To the memory of Andrew Stirling, second son of Admiral Stirling, of Woburn farm, in the County of Surry, who died at this Presidency on the 23rd of May, 1830, in the 36th year of his age, Mr Stirling held the offices of Persian Secretary to Government and Deputy Secretary in the Secret and Political Department. Throughout his career in life, he was not only eminently distinguished by great talents, but by urbanity of manners, and excellence of disposition. While his loss as a public servant will be felt by Government, His private virtues will be cherished by a numerous circle of acquaintance who loved him for his worth and admired him for his great acquirements. This Tablet is erected by his father, as a tribute of affection to the memory of a much beloved and much lamented son.    
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