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Go to record Scots Brigade Muster Roll 1804 Scots Brigade Muster Roll 1804
 1804 Muster Roll of Scots Brigade (HM 94th Regt) in India

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Date transcribed1998-03-00
Transcribed byCathy Day
CommentWhere a man's name is followed by the words 1st or 2nd they refer to two men having the same name and are used to distinguish between them. The numbers were included in the original document. At this period soldiers did not have individual permanent regimental numbers to identify them. The numbers after the names do not necessarily indicate that the two men with the same name were related.

Surname  SCOTT    
Given Names  James    
Original Section  Effective    
Rank  Drummer    
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This set of data is the muster roll of H.M 94th Regiment of Foot (Scots Brigade) for 25th June 1804 to 24th Dec 1804 recorded when the regiment was in camp near Futtypore (Fatehpur) India. On a few occasions comments from the next muster (24th June 1805) have been added by Cathy Day when a soldier died during he following muster period.
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