Cemetery & Memorials
> Madras Presidency
> Cochin/Kochi
Memorial Inscriptions in St Francis Church |
MIs in St Francis Church Cochin
Date transcribed | 2007-11-22 | Transcribed by | Martin Krieger | Comment | Few MIs remain available |
| Surname | Morgan | | Forename | William Henry | | Inscription | This Memorial / is placed here by Friends /in loving Remembrance of / Brigade Surgeon / William Henry Morgan /of the Indian Medical Service / Civil Surgeon of Cochin / from 1878 to 1886 /and one of the Lay Trustees / of this Church / who died / on the 1st day of July 1886 /during the Voyage from / Madras to England / and was buried at Sea / Aged 55 Years. | | Inscribed Item | Epitaph (Brass) | | Identity No. | 55 |
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Transcriptions of MIs in St Francis Church Cochin