> Embarkation Lists
EIC Officers & Recruits - Embarkation Lists |
Lord Camden (EIC) 1775. Recruits - Embarkation List
Description | Held by the British Library ref: L/MIL/9/85 - 106. Registers of men compiled at port of embarkation. Arranged by ship. The list of men for each ship is divided into infantry and artillery.
L/MIL/9/85,89-90 & 96 lists rank, birth place, trade, age, remarks.
L/MIL/9/86-88 & 97 lists date joined ship, remarks.
L/MIL/9/98-102 lists trade, birth place, attestation, age, remarks.
L/MIL/9/91-95 lists rank, birth place, trade, age, received on board, remarks
L/MIL/9/91 the list for each ship is certified by an EIC official, a surgeon at the port and the ships surgeon. | Date transcribed | 2007-11-01 | Transcribed by | Peter Bailey | Comment | List of Recruits to the East India Company's Madras Army aboard the ship "Lord Camden" in 1775 |
| Date of joining | 21-Dec | | Year | 1775 | | IOR Ref | L/Mil/9/88 & 89 | | Name of Ship | Lord Camden | | Destination | Madras  | | Forename | William | | Surname | Pile | | Rank | Private | | Town | Bath  | | County | Somerset  | | Country | England  | | Occupation | Labourer | | Age | 16 | | Size Ft | 5 | | Size Ins. | 4 | | Transcribed By: | Peter Bailey |
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All in the India Office Records at the British Library L/MIL/9/85-100