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Go to record Gentlemans Magazine Gentlemans Magazine
 Death Announcements 1731-1831

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Date transcribed2000-00-00
Transcribed bySteve van Dulken

Surname  Turton    
First names  Alfred    
Rank/ occupation  Judge    
Unit  Gya    
Death date  29 Mar 1812    
Place of death  Argyle St    
Source  Gentleman's Magazine    
Date  Apr 1812    
Page number  396    
Detail  In Argyle-street, aged 47, Alfred Turton, esq. At the age of 18 he entered into the service of the East India Company, in Bengal, as a writer. After having most honourably discharged his duties in various subordinate situations, he at length attained the elevated station of Judge at Gya; wherein he remained many years, during which time he so conducted himself as to give entire satisfaction to his Honourable Masters the Company, to the British subjects and to the Natives within his jurisdiction. He was at all times indifferent to his private interests and to the accumulation of property, but was most anxiously diligent in the performance of his magisterial and judicial functions. Both in public and private life, he was a man of the strictist veracity and of the most inflexible probity and justice. About seven years since he returned to England, an account of his health, which was never sufficiently restored to enable him to resume his office. On the 7th of April he was buried in the Church at Hotfield in Kent (the seat of his ancestors the Earl of Thanet), in the same grave with his brother, Sackville Turton, esq. who had been in the naval service of the East India Company, and who died in the year 1794.     
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