| Detail | At Mutapilley, Dr. Bernard M'Mahon, surgeon of the 1st regiment of European infantry, stationed at Ceylon. He had taken his passage for Madras in the Crocodile, which sailed from Trincomalee on the 29th of May, but on the 1st of June foundered, in a severe gale, in the mouth of the gulph of Manar, with six or eight persons, just at the moment he had got into the long boat with the captain and 34 of the ship's crew and passengers. For a few days they were exposed to all the horrors of want, without a drop of water or nourishment of any kind, when they gained the land to the Northward on the evening of the 4th of June, at the place aforementioned (Mutapilley), where Dr. M'Mahon, shortly after getting on shore, expired. |