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Go to record Gentlemans Magazine Gentlemans Magazine
 Death Announcements 1731-1831

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Date transcribed2000-00-00
Transcribed bySteve van Dulken

Surname  Blunt    
First names  Charles William    
Rank/ occupation  Writer & Baronet    
Death date  29 Aug 1802    
Place of death  Near Calcutta    
Source  Gentleman's Magazine    
Date  Mar 1803    
Page number  283    
Detail  At his house at Pulta, near Calcutta, aged 73, Sir Charles-William Blunt, bart. Of Cleery, Hants, so created June 17, 1720. He went out to India in the humble capacity of writer in the Company's service about 20 years ago, leaving a wife and a numerous family in England, in very slender circumstances; but obtaining, soon after a lucrative appointment in the bullock contract, besides a share in the post-office, and forming honourable and advantageous connexions, he married hid daughters to men of family, fortune, and merit. He has left £100,000, three fourths of which he has bequeathed to his eldest son, now in India, Charles-Richard Blunt, who inherits also the title, and who, on account of his merit and eminent service, has lately been promoted, by the India Company, to a situation worth £4000 a year.    
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