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Go to record Alphabetical List of Directors of the East india Company from 1758 to 1858 Alphabetical List of Directors of the East india Company from 1758 to 1858
 List of EIC Directors 1758-1858 - Transcription

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DescriptionFrom the original introduction: The figures indicate the year of election to the Court of Directors and, unless the name of the month in any particular year is given, the month is assumed to be that of April. It is important to remember that throughout the period the year of office was from April to the following April. When a span of years is shown the election dates given are inclusive.
[*] An asterisk placed after a year indicates that the director concerned was elected deputy chairman for that year,
[**] two asterisks, that he was chosen chairman,
[***] three, that he was first elected deputy and later in the same year appointed chairman.
The abbreviations d., disq., respectively stand for died, disqualified.
Transcribed byJohn Kendall

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Wigram" in "List of EIC Directors 1758-1858 - Transcription" Surname  Wigram    
First Names   William     
Page No.  336    
Entry  Period of Service as Director: May, 1809-12, 15-18, 20-2*­3**,25-8,30-3*,35-8,40-3, 45-8, 50-3.    
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Alphabetical List of persons elected to the Court of Directors from 1758 to 1858, transcribed from the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society.
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