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Go to record War Services of Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 [HEIC] War Services of Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 [HEIC]
 Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 - Rank and Services S-U

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Date transcribed2008-01-31
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentEach Officer of the Bengal Army still alive and serving in 1863 is mentioned with his Career Progression and War Service

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Travers" in "Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 - Rank and Services S-U" Surname  Travers    
First Name(s)  J    
Honours  CB, VC    
Rank  Colonel    
Regiment  late 2nd Grenadiers    
Commissions  Ensign, 11 Jun 38 / Lieut, 7 Jun 41 / Captain, 7 Jan 46 / Bt-Major, 8 Jan 46 / Major, 16 Feb 59 / Bt-Lieut-Colonel, 20 Jun 54 / Bt-Colo nel, 6 Dec 56 / Lieut-Colonel, 1 Jan 62    
Service  Colonel Travers served throughout the Campaign in Affghanistan, 40, 41, and42. Served in Bhopal State, 46. Served in Seronge and adjoining States, 56. Served in the Mutinies in 57. Present in the actions of Lundi Khanah, Khamind. Mentioned in the Despatch, and name brought to the special notice of Government of India by Major General Sir W. Nott. Present during the five days operations in March 42. Mentioned in General Notts Despatch. Baba Wullee(fwounded). Mentioned in Despatch, 27th March. Two Cavalry actions, 28th August. Goirie, 31st August. The recapture of Ghuznee. Benee Badaum, 14th September. Mydaum, 15th September; also in many attacks upon the Rear Guard and Forage Parties of General Notts Army; also Sobraon. Commanded the Nusseeree Goorkha Battalion in the action, and mentioned in the Despatch: at Kullea Karee, and commanded the Cavalry, and mentioned in the Despatch. Commanded at Indore, 1st July. Brought to the special notice of the Government of India. Sabre wound at Baba Wullee. 3 Medals for Candahar, Ghuznee, Cabul, Sobraon, and for India, 57, Victoria Cross and C.B-ship. Mentioned in the Despatch of Major Griffin, who commanded the Field Force in the action of Khamind, 17th August 41. Publicly thanked upon parade, in front of the line, by Major-General Sir W. Nott, for his services on this occasion, and his conduct brought by him to the special notice of the Government of India. Served as a Volunteer with Skinners Horse, and received on the Field, in February 42, the acknowledgments of Major-General Sir W. Nott, for the attack made by him, with a few horsemen, upon a superior body of the enemy. For the above service the Major-General attached him to the 1st or Skinners Irregular Cavalry, with which Corps he served until the termination of the war. Mentioned in the Despatch of Brigadier Wymer, Commanding Brigade in action at Baba Wullee, 27th March 42. Mentioned in the Despatch of Lord Gough, also in the Despatch of General Sir Harry Smith, Commanding a Division of the Army in the battle of Sobraon, 10th February 46. Mentioned in the Despatch of Major Sanders, Commanding Bhopal Contingent, in action at Kullea Karee, 10th October 46; and received the "best thanks" of the Governor-General for his services on this occasion, Received the acknowledgments of the Agent, Governor-General, Central India, for services in the Field, in 56. Received the acknowledgments of the Governor-General "for the manner he conducted the operations against the rebel Sunkur Sing," in 56, and "which were crowned with success." Brought to the special notice of Government by Colonel Durand, in his Despatch. Promoted to the rank of Major by Brevet for services in the Campaign of Affghanistan. Brevets of Colonel and Lieutenant- Colonel for the Mutiny Campaign.    
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Each Officer in the Bengal Army still alive in 1863 is mentioned together with his promotion progression and War Services.
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