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War Services of Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 [HEIC] |
Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 - Rank and Services P-R
Date transcribed | 2008-01-31 | Transcribed by | Peter Bailey | Comment | Each Officer of the Bengal Army still alive and serving in 1863 is mentioned with his Career Progression and War Service |
| Surname | Rawlins | | First Name(s) | J S | | Rank | Captain | | Regiment | late 44th Native Infantry | | Commissions | Ensign, 10 Jun 43 / Lieut, 13 Jun 49 / Captain, 21 Jul 57 | | Service | Captain Rawlins served during the Sutlej Campaign, 45, 46: present at the battle of Ferozeshuhur, 20th and 21st December 45, Medal; at the passage of the Sutlej, 11th February 46; at the operations before the Fort of Kot Kangra, March and April 46. Served during the Burmese "War, under Major-General Godwin and Sir J. Cheape, in 52, 53. Present at the re-capture of Pegu, 19th December 52, and other operations in its vicinity, from February to March 53. Present at the assault and capture of the enemys stockade at Donabew, 19th March 52. (Severely wounded.) Received the thanks of Major Armstrong for his conduct in the Field at Donabew, 8th April 53. Medal and Clasp. Appointed to raise and command a Militia Corps of Europeans and Eurasians at Agra, in June 57. Commanded the Militia when the Station of Agra was attacked by the Neemuch mutineers, 5th July 57. Present at the engagements at Agra, on the 10th October 57, against the Mhow and Indore mutineers. Favorably mentioned in Colonel Cottons Despatch for his conduct on this occasion, 16th October 57. Medal. |
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Each Officer in the Bengal Army still alive in 1863 is mentioned together with his promotion progression and War Services.