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Go to record War Services of Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 [HEIC] War Services of Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 [HEIC]
 Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 - Rank and Services A-B

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Date transcribed2008-01-31
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentEach Officer of the Bengal Army still alive and serving in 1863 is mentioned with his Career Progression and War Service

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Baker" in "Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 - Rank and Services A-B" Surname  Baker    
First Name(s)  G A A    
Rank  Lieutenant    
Regiment  late 60th Native Infantry    
Commissions  Ensign, 8 Jun 54 / Lieut, 24 Jan 57    
Service  Lieutenant Baker took part in the Campaign of 1857 and 1858. Accompanied a detachment 2nd Bengal Fusiliers in pursuit of the Jullundur Mutineers along the foot of the Hills in June. Rode with Mr. Forsyth, C.S., Deputy Commissioner at Umballah, 30 miles, to head the mutineers and save a district tehseel, in which was a large amount of treasure, Succeeded and gave such information to the troops on the River Jumna, as caused the effectual guarding of the fords and the dispersion of the rebels. At the siege and assault of Delhi, September 14th 1857. Present in Command of a Troop of Hodson's Horse, at Humayoon's Tomb, when Major Hodson was endeavoring to capture the King of Delhi. Received command of a squadron, was the first to receive the King, and held the rear until Major Hodson had safely conveyed his prisoner into Delhi. With a squadron of Hodson's Horse under Lieutenant Hugh Gough, formed part of a pursuing Column under Brigadier Greathed. Present at the actions of Boolundshuhur, September 28th ; Allyghur, October 6th; and pursuit at Akarabad, October 7th 1857. Detached from the Column with a troop to hold Allyghur, in conjunction with two companies under Lieutenant Sheriff, Joined the Agra Garrison, and in Command of Agra Volunteer Cavalry, a Convalescent Division of 9th Lancers, and troop of Hodson's Horse. Served with Brigadier Cotton and Colonel Riddell's Columns. Present at the taking of Futtehpore-Seekree, October 28th. Joined Sir Thomas Seaton's Column, and Head Quarters of his Regiment at Allyghur, December 11th 1857. Present at the actions of Gungeree, Puttialee, and Mynpoorie, December 1857. Joined the Army under the Commander-in-Chief at Futtehghur. Was detached to meet and take Command of the Agra Convoy of ladies and invalids and escort to Cawnpore. On detached duty at Radun Ghat on the Ganges, guarding 20 miles of river bank, and watching the Nana. Joined his Regiment at the "Alum Bagh" before Lucknow on the 24th February 1858. Was present at the action of Jellallabad, February 25th, under Sir James Outram-at the final siege of Lucknow. Accompanied the 2nd Brigade Cavalry under Brigadier Campbell in its march round Lucknow, Present at the affair with fanatics near Moosa Bagh: reins severed. Honorably mentioned by Brigadier Hagart, HMs 7th Hussars. With the Column under Sir Hope Grant in Oude District, from June 12th to August 13th 1858. Present at the action of Nawabgunge. Honorably mentioned by Colonel Daly and Sir Hope Grant in his Despatch. Medal and 2 Clasps. Volunteered for, and served during the China Campaign in 1860. Present at the descent on Pehtang, August 1st; action of Sinho, August 12th; capture of the Taku Forts, August 21st, with the advance on Pekin. Present at the actions of Hoosug-Woo, September 18th, and Chunkiehwan, September 21st (wounded and charger wounded.) Mentioned in Lieutenant Randall's Despatch on both occasions. Medal and Clasp.    
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Each Officer in the Bengal Army still alive in 1863 is mentioned together with his promotion progression and War Services.
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