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Go to record Madras Artillery, History of the Services of Officers up to 1852 [HEIC] Madras Artillery, History of the Services of Officers up to 1852 [HEIC]
 Services of the Officers of the Corps, Madras Artillery 1748-1852

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Date transcribed2017-02-12
Transcribed byBill Hall
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Season of Appointment  1810    
View all other items of "Surname" with value "Montgomerie" in "Services of the Officers of the Corps, Madras Artillery 1748-1852" Surname  Montgomerie    
First Names  P    
Rank Attained in the Regiment  Colonel    
Services  Pindarrie campaign, 1814, 15, and 16; Mahratta war 1817, 1818; in an affair with the Pindarries in 1816; battle of Nagpore, 16th Dec 1817; siege and capture of Nagpore, 24th Dec 1817 ; siege of Chandah 1818 ; Burmese war 1824, 25 and 26 ; capture of Rangoon, 11th May 1824 ; attack of stockades in the vicinity of Rangoon 28th May and 3d June 1824 ; repulse of the attack on the lines at Rangoon, 11th July 1824 ; defence of the Great pagoda, 1st to 5th Dec 1824 ; attack of the enemys entrenched position, 15th Dec 1824 ; attack of the enemys entrenched position, 15th DEc 1824 ; capture of Donabew, March ; and Prome, April 1825 ; entrenched positions before Prome, 1st to 5th Dec 1825 ; storm of Mellown 18th Jan 1826 ; Pagham-mew, 9th Feb 1826 ; China war 1840, 41, 42 ; capture of Chusan, 5th JUly 1840 ; operations on Canton river 1841; Ningpo 10 March 1842; and wounded; Tsekee, and heights of Segaon, 15 and 16 March 1842; capture of Chapoo 18 May, stockades in the vicinity of Rangoon 28th May and 3rd June1824; repulse of the attack on the lines at Rangoon 11 July 1824; defence of the Great Pagoda, 1st to 5th Dec 1824; attack of the enemys entrenched position, 15th Dec 1824 ; capture of Donabew, March; and Prome, April, 1825 ; entrenched positions before Prome, 1st to 5th Dec 1825; storm of Mellown, 18th Jan 1826; Pagham-mew, 9th Feb 1826; China war 1840, 41, 42 ; capture of Chusan, 5th July 1840 ; operations on Canton river 1841; Ningpo, 10th March 1842; and wounded; Tsekee, and heights of Segaon, 15th and 16th March 1842; capture of Chapoo, 18th May, Woosung, 16th and Shangae, 19th June ; assault of Chingkeang-foo, 21st July ; operations before Nanking, and in the Yangtse-keang river, Aug and Sept 1842.    
Date of orders noticing Conduct  Despatch dated Patanagoh 20th Jan. 1826    
Medals & Other Honours  Companion of the Bath; Aid-de-Camp to the Queen; India Medal with two bars for Nagore and Ava; China Medal    
Source volume  2    
Appendix  I    
Page No.  xx, xxi    
Additional Notes  Brigade Commander 14 March 1844 to 24 August 1849    
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History of the Services of the Madras Artillery, Vol 2 Appendix 1. Tabular view of the Services of the Officers of the Corps of Madras Artillery from its formation up to 20th November 1852.
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