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Go to record Madras Artillery, A List of Officers who Served 1748-1861 [HEIC] Madras Artillery, A List of Officers who Served 1748-1861 [HEIC]
 A List of Officers who have Served in the Madras Artillery

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DescriptionA list of Officers who have served in the Madras Artillery, giving the dates of their appointment, Promotion, Retirement, Death, etc.
Date transcribed2000-00-00
Transcribed byConrad Roche
CommentTranscription extracted from the book of Officers Service History from A List of Officers who have Served in the Madras Artillery by Major J.H. Leslie, Leicester, 1900.

Book available at HathiTrust to view and download sign-in required to download the entire book.

Rec no.  240    
View all other items of "Surname" with value "Pearce" in "A List of Officers who have Served in the Madras Artillery" Surname  Pearce    
First Names  William Goodenough    
Corps  Madras Artillery    
Lieut Fireworker  Jan 2 1799    
Lieutenant  Mar 1 1800    
Captain Lieut  Apr 4 1804    
Captain  Mar 18 1809    
Major  Bt. Jun 4 1814 / Maj Sep 19 1819    
Lieut Colonel  Jan 17 1824    
Colonel  Bt. Jun 5 1829 / Col Sep 1 1831    
General  Maj-Gen Jun 28 1838    
Date of Death  Feb 26 1840    
Death place  England    
Source page  20, 21    
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A list of the officers who have served in the Madras artillery, from its formation in 1748 down to 1861.
British Library book ref OIR 358.12 and LDS Ref 2105291
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