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 Maulmain Almanac & Directory 1844. Ecclesiastical, Schools, Societies - Index of Names

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DescriptionThe Maulmain Almanac & Directory for 1844. Maulmain: Printed at the Mission Press. Held by the British Library ref: IOR PP 2571 b.
Date transcribed2023-03-10
Transcribed byAgnes Cool
CommentEcclesiastical, Missionary, Schools and Societies. Names extracted from the Maulmain Almanac and Directory for 1844

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Bennett" in "Maulmain Almanac & Directory 1844. Ecclesiastical, Schools, Societies - Index of Names" Surname  Bennett    
Title Rank Regt  Rev Mr    
School Mission Church Society  American Missionary    
Location / Station  Maulmain    
Notes  Mr Blundell upon taking charge of the Provinces established English schools for the natives. Schools were opened by American Missionary Rev Mr Bennett in 1834 who two years later resigned. Mr Hough formerly of the American Mission took over as Head Master (1837). Another School in Mergui was established and put under the charge of Mr Lachapelle.    
Section  Maulmain Almanac & Directory, Third Part    
Heading  Schools    
Sub heading  Government School    
Part  Part III    
Page  98    
Internal ref  Maulmain_Dir1844_110714_98.jpg    
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The Maulmain Almanac & Directory 1844 (Mission Press). The New Maulmain Calendar 1877 (Tenasserim Press).
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