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 Duke of York (EIC) 1820. EIC New Recruits - Embarkation List

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DescriptionEmbarkation records held by the British Library ref [IOR/L/MIL/9/99].

Duke of York: Departed 28 Feb 1820 bound for Madras.
Date transcribed2021-06-04
Transcribed byDenise Smith
CommentThe East India Company recruited private soldiers in Great Britain for its artillery and infantry units. EIC would train recruits in England before sending them to India. The Embarkation lists of these recruits are covered in volumes: L/MIL/9/85-106 Embarkation Lists, 1753-1861.

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Hall" in "Duke of York (EIC) 1820. EIC New Recruits - Embarkation List" Surname  Hall    
First Name  John    
Former Occupation  Weaver    
Where Born  Eccles Lancaster    
Attestation Year  1819    
Attestation Day/ Mon  22 Dec    
Age  20    
Ship  Duke of York    
Destination  Madras    
IOR Source  IOR/L/MIL/9/99    
Internal ref  DukeYorkEmbark1820_P4.jpg    
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All in the India Office Records at the British Library L/MIL/9/85-100
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