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 British In Afghanistan [vol 2]. Name Index G

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DescriptionThe British in Afghanistan, 2nd Afghan War 1878-1881. Index of names.
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Date transcribed2021-02-28
Transcribed byAlan Edmonds
CommentOur thanks to William Trousdale, who permitted FIBIS to create this searchable database of the A-Z name index found in his book, The British in Afghanistan, vol I.

Below is a list of the most frequently used abbreviations and acronyms.

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Griesbach" in "British In Afghanistan [vol 2]. Name Index G" Surname  Griesbach    
First Names  Carl Ludolf    
Regiment / Department  Survey of India    
Original Text from book  Griesbach, Mr. Carl Ludolf, Survey of India [member of the Afghan (Northern) Boundary Commission (1884-1886) and Geological Survey of Afghanistan (1888-1889)] catalogue of his diaries, photographs (7 boxes); sketch maps of Afghan cities, including Kandahar, Kabul, Helmand, Herat, prepared by daughter Hilda 29 Sept. 1922, and offered for sale to IOL&R which purchased only his account of his Afghan Boundary Commission travels in northern Afghanistan (IOL&R correspondence with Hilda, L/P&S/202 no. 4786 [error for no. 4813]) and later his Travels in Afghanistan, 1888-1889; Hilda was living at Givendale House, near Pocklington, North Yorkshire, at date of correspondence with IOL&R, but it appears the unsold items were returned to family members in Graz, Austria, where a son, Walter Singleton Griesbach, was living; as of 1994 these have not been found; some materials are reported as being in the National Archives of India (IOL&R Z/P/1381 & 1382) but these also have not been found; comm. Dr. Jonathan Lee, 8 March 1994, who has devoted much effort to find the highly valuable portion of the collection the IOL&R did not acquire (Ed.)]    
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Systematic Compilation of Officers, Other Ranks, Civil Officials, and Other Individuals Present in Afghanistan during The Second Afghan War. Annotated with references to military service, diaries, memoirs, biographies and photographs.
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