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 Deaths 1802

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DescriptionAsiatic Annual Register 1802.
Births, Marriages & Deaths transcribed from the Asiatic Annual Register for 1802, Vol. 4 covering the period May 1801 to April 1802.
Date transcribed2020-04-25
Transcribed byPeter Summers
CommentA portion of the deaths in this index occurred in England.

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Mitchell" in "Deaths 1802" Surname  Mitchell    
First name  Arthur Forbes    
Title  esq    
Year  1801    
Month  Jun    
Location  Bombay    
Full Text  Killed in a duel at Bombay on the 4th ult at the age of 22 Arthur Forbes Mitchell esq of the civil service on that establithment and a partner in the house of Messrs Smith Forbes and Co Mr Mitchell was a young gentleman of great promise in every point that distinguishes and fixes the character He had already given strong proofs of his talents for public business; having at the age of 19 filled a very difficult responsible and laborious office in the province of Malabar with equal zeal and integrity highly to his own credit and in an eminent degree to the satisfaction of his superiors In private life his punctuality were equally conspicuous and would in due time have entitled him to great consideration in the commercial world He had a mind stored with maxims for his conduct in society which would have done honour to a much more mature age; and his discretion in the practice of them was attested by the love and esteem of a wide circle of friends who will long deplore the catastrophe by which he has been cut off from them in the flower of his youth    
Source name  Asiatic Annual Register    
Source year  1802    
Source section  Chronicle / Civil and Military Promotions    
Page No  118    
PDF page  No file available    
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Lists of "Domestic Occurrences" being records of Births, Marriages & Deaths transcribed from the Asiatic Annual Register.
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