Miscellaneous Bonds 1814-1865 |
Transcription of Miscellaneous Bonds
Date transcribed | 2000-00-00 | Transcribed by | FIBIS Volunteers | Comment | These include 12,500 Bonds taken out by many ladies, cadets, ministers of religion and traders.
Please note that only the surnames of individuals have been extracted in the database. It is therefore regretted that each entry for Smith will have to be viewed in order to find the John Smith for whom you may be searching. Furthermore, a separate field has been inserted for �Business Names�. This includes the many suppliers of services and equipment. However, it is worth searching these if you know your ancestor to have been involved in such activity. It will probably include multiple entries of the same names.
| Number of Bond | 31 | | Authority of Court | 27 Apr 1814 | | Year | 1814 | | Surnames | Grant | | Full Names | Miss Annie Grant | | Description | Passenger | | Presidency | Bengal  | | Description of Instrument | Bond | | Date | 29 Apr 1814 | | Amount of Security | £200 | | Sureties | John Peter Grant, Rothiemurchies N. B., Esquire. George Frere, Lincoln's Inn, Esquire. | | IOR Reference | Z/O/1/8 | | Source Name | Miscellaneous Bonds, Nos. 1-2945. 1814 � 1821 | | Source Year | 1814 |
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These include 12,500 Bonds taken out by many ladies, cadets, ministers of religion and traders.