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Go to record St Peters Church, Fort William St Peters Church, Fort William
 St Peters Church, Fort William

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Date transcribed2017-11-29
Transcribed byNigel Penny and Peter Bailey

Surname  Dennie    
First Names  W.H.    
Rank/ Occupation  Col.    
Regiment  H.M. 13th Light Infantry    
Date of Death  1842    
Inscription  In Memory of Col.W.H. Dennie, C.B. of H.M. 13th Light Infantry, who fell when leading a column Upon the Affghan force under Akbar Khan, before Jellalabad, 7th April 1842. Col. Dennie served under Lord Lake in 1805 and 1806. During the Burmese war he twice distinguished himself. At Ghuznee on the 23rd July 1839, He led successfully the attack at Bamean; on the 18th September 1840. He defeated Dost Mahomed in the Khoord Cabul Pass; on the 12th Oct. 1841. After Major-General Sir R. Sale was wounded, he directed the movements in a spirited manner. At Tazeen and Jugdulluck on the 22nd and 29th Oct. 1841, and between Gundamuck and Jellalabad, on the 12th Nov. 1841, he sustained his military reputation. At Jellalabad On the 1st Dec. 1841, and 11th March 1842, he led two successful sorties. This tablet is erected by the Commander-in-Chief and officers of H.M. Army in India, to record the deeds of a brave soldier.    
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MIs erected in the Church and Burial Ground of St Peters Church in Fort William.
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