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Go to record St Peters Church, Fort William St Peters Church, Fort William
 St Peters Church, Fort William

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Date transcribed2017-11-29
Transcribed byNigel Penny and Peter Bailey

Surname  Anquetil    
First Names  Thomas John    
Rank/ Occupation  Lieut.-Colonel    
Regiment  44th Bengal Native Infantry    
Date of Death  1842    
Inscription  In testimony of affection and regret, this Tablet is dedicated to the memory of Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas John Anquetil, 44th Regiment B.N.I. Who was massacred in the performance of his duty, during the insurrection at Jugdullock, in Afghanistan, at Cabool, while commanding Shah Soojah's force, on the 12th January, 1842, aged 60 years. He was an officer of undoubted ability, and highly versed in the science of Military tactics; was warm-hearted and possessed of the strictest integrity, and the most honorable feeling. Erected by his surviving Son, Charles Anquetil    
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MIs erected in the Church and Burial Ground of St Peters Church in Fort William.
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