Census & Inhabitants
> Census Lists - UK
> 1851 British Census
Cheltenham, UK - Census |
Cheltenham, Charlton Kings and Leckhampton - Census 1851
Date transcribed | 2017-10-02 | Transcribed by | Steve van Dulken | Comment | 510 entries. It covers the 1851 census for Cheltenham, HO107/1973, and the neighbouring parishes of Charlton Kings and Leckhampton, which are both in /1972. It consists of individuals who were (1) born in the East Indies or (2) were in, or retired from, occupations to do with India or (3) spouses or widows of people in either (1) or (2). |
| Surname | Young | | Given names | Harriet | | Relationship to head | Head | | Approx birth year | 1790 | | Gender | F | | Marital status | Widow | | Occupation | Annuitant | | Birth place | Yorkshire, York  | | Address | 12 Park Place  | | Ancestry reference | 1ii | | Page reference | 914 |
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1851 census for Cheltenham, HO107/1973, and the neighbouring parishes of Charlton Kings and Leckhampton, which are both in /1972. It consists of individuals who were (1) born in the East Indies or (2) were in, or retired from, occupations to do with India or (3) spouses or widows of people in either (1) or (2).