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Go to record Cheltenham Cheltenham
 Cheltenham, Charlton Kings and Leckhampton

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Date transcribed2017-10-02
Transcribed bySteve van Dulken
Comment510 entries. It covers the 1851 census for Cheltenham, HO107/1973, and the neighbouring parishes of Charlton Kings and Leckhampton, which are both in /1972. It consists of individuals who were (1) born in the East Indies or (2) were in, or retired from, occupations to do with India or (3) spouses or widows of people in either (1) or (2).

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Bagshaw" in "Cheltenham, Charlton Kings and Leckhampton" Surname  Bagshaw    
Given names  Frank Lloyd    
Relationship to head  Son    
Approx birth year  1840    
Gender  M    
Marital status  Single    
Occupation  Scholar [Daughter of Eliza Ann, landed proprietor]    
Birth place  Bombay    
Address  34 Lansdown Crescent    
Ancestry reference  1ll    
Page reference  1014    
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1851 census for Cheltenham, HO107/1973, and the neighbouring parishes of Charlton Kings and Leckhampton, which are both in /1972. It consists of individuals who were (1) born in the East Indies or (2) were in, or retired from, occupations to do with India or (3) spouses or widows of people in either (1) or (2).
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