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Go to record St Thomas Mount, Madras St Thomas Mount, Madras
 St Patricks RC Church, St Thomas Mount - Burial registers 1837

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Date transcribed2017-10-02
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentThese records were originally found in the presbytery at St. Patricks Church during a first visit in 1990. The Parish Priest kindly gave his permission to me for their copying and transcription. He also introduced me to Rev. Fr. Vijay Kiran, formerly Secretary to the Archbishop of Madras and Mylapore and, by chance, he was a qualified Archivist. Father Kiran had organized the collection of all the records of the R.C. Churches in the Diocese of Madras-Mylapore and their assembly for photographing by the Genealogical Society of Utah (the LDS). He had seemingly a complete copy of these records in his office at the time of our visit to which he kindly allowed me access. It has taken time but I have finally been able to commence transcribing and publishing them.

It may be emphasized that these records are generally not the same as those accumulated by the India Office at the British Library and do not feature in the "N" series records copied and published for them by FindMyPast. However, they do feature in the LDS Microfilm Series and can be checked in their Microfilm No.: 2049162.

Burial Date  25 Jun 1856    
First Name  Bridget    
View all other items of "Surname" with value "Breen" in "St Patricks RC Church, St Thomas Mount -  Burial registers 1837" Surname  Breen    
Age  1 y. 3 m.    
Rank or Occupation  Dr. of a Gr. 3rd Batt. Artillery    
Parents Names  John & Cecilia Breen    
Place or Station buried at  St. Thos. Mount    
Person Officiating  P. Gannon    
Date of Death  25 Jun    
Cause of Death  Dentites    
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