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Go to record Madras Courier Madras Courier
 Madras Courier, Vol XXXV, Number 1736, January 12th 1819

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Date transcribed2017-09-25
Transcribed byPeter Schofield

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Edwards" in "Madras Courier, Vol XXXV, Number 1736, January 12th 1819" Surname  Edwards    
Rank  Lieutenant Colonel    
Occupation or Status  2/8th Regiment    
Location  Lohaur    
Summary Remarks  Bombay Courier â�� December 26th 1818. We briefly noticed in our last number an affair at Lohaur in which Lieutenant Stamper, Adjutant of the 2/7 was wounded. We are happy to learn that subsequent accounts state that the ball has been extracted from this officer's side, and that he is doing well. The village of Lohaur is 20 miles distant from Ahmedabad. The force who took the village consisted two six-pounders under Lieutenant Forster, a squadron of the 2nd Cavalry under Major Turner, about 500 of the 2/7 under Captain Burford, and 250 of the 2/8 under Lieutenant Colonel Edwards. The whole under the command of the Honourable Lieutenant Colonel Lincoln Stanhope.    
Article Type  News Article    
Issue Number  Vol. XXXV, No. 1736 â�� Appendix    
Issue Day  12    
Issue Month  January    
Issue Year  1819    
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