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 Madras Courier 1792

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Date transcribed2000-00-00
Transcribed byPeter Schofield
CommentNames transcribed from (microfilmed copy held in the British Library) the Madras Courier, Vol VIII, Numbers 326-341, 1792.

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Cook" in "Madras Courier 1792" Surname  Cook    
Rank  Mr    
Occupation or Status  Commander of Ship    
View all other items of "Location" with value "Tellicherry" in "Madras Courier 1792" Location  Tellicherry    
Summary Remarks  Captain Mackintosh of the Fiziallum, whose merited proscription has been some time since announced in our paper has been arrived lately with that ship at Tellicherry, a part of her cargo, about three thousand bags he put on board the ship Countess of Conway, the remainder or at least the major part of it, he has in perfect conformity with his former proceedings sold and converted the money to his own use. Sir Richard Strachan who was lying with His Majesty's ship Phoenix in the roads of Tellicherry sent a message requesting him to immediately give up command which he refused to obey. Captain Smith of His Majesty's ship Perseverance sent him word the following day that he was getting his ship under way to lay onside her to enforce the order. On which Mr Cook, the commanding officer on board thought proper to immediately surrender the ship. It is hoped that some part of her cargo which Government destined for the relief of the distressed inhabitants of the Northern Circars will yet be recovered.    
Article Type  News Article    
Issue Number  Vol. VIII, No. 334    
Issue Day  1    
Issue Month  March    
Issue Year  1792    
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