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 Deaths 1803

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Date transcribed2017-07-26
Transcribed byAinslie and Roley Sharpe
CommentAsiatic Annual Register 1803
Births, Marriages & Deaths transcribed from the Asiatic Annual Register for 1803, Vol. 5. Covering the period May 1802 to May 1803.
Events are listed by month reported; some took place the previous month

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Manage" in "Deaths 1803" Surname  Manage    
First name  Charles    
Title  Esq    
View all other items of "Year" with value "1803" in "Deaths 1803" Year  1803    
View all other items of "Month" with value "May" in "Deaths 1803" Month  May    
View all other items of "Location" with value "Trincomalee" in "Deaths 1803" Location  Trincomalee    
Volume  11    
Page No  160    
Full Text  Off Trincomalee, in the East Indies, while on a voyage for the recovery of his health, Charles Manage, Esq. a youth of most promising abilities, who held a respectable civil appointment in the island of Ceylon. His zeal having prompted him to volunteer his service to conduct a number of coolies to the British army before Candy, he caught an epidemical disorder, called the jungle fever, which after apparently yielding to the power of medicine, returned again, and carried him off in the 21st year of his age. His remains are deposited in the garrison church-yard of Trincomalee. A gentleman high in office, who had the best opportunity of knowing his worth, has declared the Mr. Manage's death not only deprives his family and his friends of one who would have done them honour, but that government has lost by it a young man of most uncommon talents, great quickness and facility in every pursuit which he undertook, and who wanted nothing to have been a most invaluable servant but what years and experience would have given him.    
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Lists of "Domestic Occurrences" being records of Births, Marriages & Deaths transcribed from the Asiatic Annual Register.
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