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 Index to Misc Assam and Kashmir Cemetery Images

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Date transcribed2017-04-15
Transcribed byPeter Bailey

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View all other items of "Surname" with value "Scott" in "Index to Misc Assam and Kashmir Cemetery Images" Surname  Scott    
First Names  David    
Date of Death  20th August 1831    
View all other items of "Town" with value "Cherrapunjee" in "Index to Misc Assam and Kashmir Cemetery Images" Town  Cherrapunjee    
Cemetery  Welsh Presbyterian    
Region  Assam    
Inscription  In memory of David Scott, Agent to the Governor General, on the N.E. Frontier of Bengal and Commissioner of Revenue and Circuit in the districts of Assam, North Eastern part of Rongpore, Sheerpore and Sylhet. Died 20th August 1831, aged 45 years and 3 months. This monument is erected by the order of the Supreme Government as a public and lasting record of its consideration for the personal character of the deceased and of its estimation of the eminent services rendered by him in the administration of the extensive territory committed to his charge by his demise. The government has been deprived of a most zealous, able and intelligent servant, whose loss it deeply laments, whose his name will long be held in grateful remembrance and veneration by the native population, to whom he was justly endeared by his impartial dispensation of justice, his kind and concilatory manners and his constant and unwearied endeavours to promote their happiness and welfare.     
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