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 EIC Recruits 1847-50 Returns made by Dublin district recruiting officers

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Date transcribed2017-02-15
Transcribed byMerran Ainslie
CommentReturns made by Dublin district recruiting officers 1843-50
Lists recruits to the artillery and infantry, as brought in by various recruiting sergeants. Gives description of recruits, place of birth, occupation, where and when enlisted, attestation, approval and transfer to London.
Most also show date and ship of embarkation for India and for which Presidency
Transcription of IOR/ L/ MIL 9/22

First Name(s)  Edward    
View all other items of "Surname" with value "Malone" in "EIC Recruits 1847-50 Returns made by Dublin district recruiting officers" Surname  Malone    
View all other items of "Corps" with value "Infantry" in "EIC Recruits 1847-50 Returns made by Dublin district recruiting officers" Corps  Infantry    
Age Years  20    
Age Months  6    
Size Feet  5    
Size Inches  7 1/2    
View all other items of "Date of  Enlistment" with value "24 Aug 1848" in "EIC Recruits 1847-50 Returns made by Dublin district recruiting officers" Date of Enlistment  24 Aug 1848    
Date of Attestation  25 Aug 1848    
Intermediate Approval  26 Aug 1848    
Payment in the District  26 Aug 1848    
View all other items of "Date of  Embarkation" with value "26 Aug 1848" in "EIC Recruits 1847-50 Returns made by Dublin district recruiting officers" Date of Embarkation  26 Aug 1848    
Date of Final Approval  31 Aug 1848    
View all other items of "By  What  Steamer" with value "Cornwall" in "EIC Recruits 1847-50 Returns made by Dublin district recruiting officers" By What Steamer  Cornwall    
View all other items of "For  Where" with value "London" in "EIC Recruits 1847-50 Returns made by Dublin district recruiting officers" For Where  London    
By Whom Escorted  S S O'Neill    
View all other items of "Where  Born  Parish" with value "Doonas" in "EIC Recruits 1847-50 Returns made by Dublin district recruiting officers" Where Born Parish  Doonas    
View all other items of "In or  Near  What  Town" with value "Castle Connell" in "EIC Recruits 1847-50 Returns made by Dublin district recruiting officers" In or Near What Town  Castle Connell    
View all other items of "County" with value "Clare" in "EIC Recruits 1847-50 Returns made by Dublin district recruiting officers" County  Clare    
View all other items of "Trade" with value "Labourer" in "EIC Recruits 1847-50 Returns made by Dublin district recruiting officers" Trade  Labourer    
Complexion  fresh    
Eyes  blue    
Hair  brown    
Where Enlisted  Dublin    
By whom Enlisted  R.C.    
Magistrate's Name before whom Attested  S W Tyndall    
View all other items of "Date of  Final  Destination" with value "11 Oct 1848" in "EIC Recruits 1847-50 Returns made by Dublin district recruiting officers" Date of Final Destination  11 Oct 1848    
View all other items of "By  What  Ship" with value "Lady Nugent" in "EIC Recruits 1847-50 Returns made by Dublin district recruiting officers" By What Ship  Lady Nugent    
View all other items of "For what  Presidency" with value "Bombay" in "EIC Recruits 1847-50 Returns made by Dublin district recruiting officers" For what Presidency  Bombay    
Photo No.  Q1090352-53    
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Mainly transcribed from L/MIL/9/1-28 Registers of Recruits, 1817-1860.
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